I help you self-heal by giving you the clarity needed to make changes in your life.

Working with the Universal Energy to bring positive experiences to you through Psychic,
Mediumistic, Tarot, and Trance Healing sessions.

Let’s Work Together

I strive to give you clarity where there is confusion, to connect you with loved ones so you know they are still there and to tune into the Universal Energy to settle your mind and heal your body.

01 / Evidential Mediumship Reading

02 / Psychic Reading

03 / Trance Healing

04 / Tarot

  • "I had been really struggling to deal with the death of my mother and I can honestly say that the reading I did with Tamara finally started me on the path to recovery. The reading, to which Tamara gave her all, was a revelation. It was a quiet soothing experience which, while deeply emotional, was also incredibly comforting."

    Daniela Nicoli - Portugal

  • "A few months ago, I had my first ever reading. I’m glad that experience was with Tamara. She was in control the entire time, giving me information that was relevant, specific, and detailed. I am very much looking forward to making our readings a part of this life."

    — Dave Stern-Taunton, MA

Welcome, I’m Tamara.

I’m a certified Psychic, Evidential Medium, and Usui Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master. I use Tarot for intuitive life coaching and work with the Universal Healing Intelligence for Trance Healing. My goal in this spiritual and sacred work is to help you self-heal by giving you the clarity needed to change your life.